Free Online Tutorials

Yes, it is this easy! While collaboration and school improvement requires focus, time, and commitment, getting into TeamMark is simple. As with anything, you will get out of it what you put in . . . the tutorials on this page are intended to help teams start using the basic features of TeamMark. How creatively and patiently you commit to TeamMark will determine how helpful and powerful you discover the toolkit to be. 

There is also no replacement for solid, face to face training. TeamMark Collaboration Solutions provides a wide range of training for all of TeamMark's tools, integrating both PLC/collaboration content reflection and learning with the development of TeamMark proficiency.

Have fun, take time to explore the tool and the tutorials on this page and, at any time, contact your TeamMark consultant to ask questions and explore how to get the most out of TeamMark! If you would like to see a tutorial not included on this page, please let us know.

NOTE: Check your resolution settings to maximize video quality.

TeamMark: Introduction and Overview
(NOTE: you may also be interested in our Introduction and Overview PowerPoint presentation found under the Free Training Resources tab)
NOTES: This video provides a comprehensive introduction and overview to TeamMark's tools. It can be used as a school-wide introduction to TeamMark and teams can use it as a refresher on how some of the main tools work.

Note: We are working on the quality of these videos. Based on user requests, we have rolled out this video for use as the new year begins; however, please note - the audio/video quality has not been "polished". Stay tuned!

TeamMark Tutorial 1: Creating and Managing Accounts
NOTES: This TeamMark Tip will be useful for administrators who would like to add users/subscriptions to his/her school/district. Accounts are easy to add and can be added at any time through an Admin Account. Note: TeamMark is subscription based. Anyone who uses the program (a "user") will need a subscription. 

With a subscription, users log into the program when collaborating face to face with a team (department teams, grade level teams, Professional Learning Communities, school committees, etc) and document their team's discourse and data.

Account Types: There are three account types. Each school should have at least one "Admin Account". Admin Accounts can create and edit user accounts (reset passwords, add new users, etc). Admin accounts will automatically receive collaboration logs after each team meeting. Teacher Accounts give users access to all tools through one team. Extended Accounts allow users to access all tools through multiple teams.

TeamMark Tutorial 2: A Quick Guide To Getting Started - Creating a Team and Accessing the Collaboration Log
NOTES: Getting into TeamMark is quick and easy! This tutorial shows teams how to create a New Team, enter collaboration dates in the Collaboration Schedule, and activate a Collaboration Log. 

TeamMark Tutorial 3: Creating Agenda Topics
NOTES: Consistently productive teams are guided by well planned agendas. TeamMark's Agenda Topic tools work in a variety of dynamic ways to help teams communicate agendas with team members prior to collaboration, engage with agenda topics during collaboration, and reflect on agendas after collaboration. Teams categorize agenda topics, document value added discourse focused on agenda topics, attach documents to agendas when desired, and TeamMark organizes and saves all of this activity in one easy-to-access online account. You can even print an Agenda Topic Report if you need one. Meaningful and engaging agenda management has never been this easy!

TeamMark Tutorial 4: Creating Group Norms
NOTES: TeamMark's Group Norms tool makes creating, monitoring, and editing group norms a simple, and even fun, process. Once norms have been created, teams are automatically reminded of their norms whenever they log into their collaboration log. Once again, TeamMark helps teams work smarter, not harder, by integrating the essentials of effective collaboration into one tool.
*There is a free resource available accompanying this tutorial found on our "Free Training Resources" link or view the document here: Norms: Tips for Creating Group Norms

TeamMark Tutorial 5: SMART Goals
NOTES: Creating SMART Goals is foundations for effective collaboration. A team not grounded by clear goals can quickly become a team lost in coordination, co-blaboration, or even just dysfunction. Solid SMART Goals provide a road map for improvement with indicators, measures, timelines and more to guide a team's collaborative improvement efforts. This tutorial walks through the basic steps of using the Goal tools, not actual processes of creating and working on SMART Goals.

TeamMark Tutorial 6: Subjects, Rosters & Essential Learning
NOTES: Creating Subjects, Rosters and Essential Learning Objectives sets teams on the road to track and monitor their own and their students' progress toward learning. Subjects and Essential Learning Objectives must be created before teams can use TeamMark Data tools. However, these tools alone can be used to populate a team's Collaboration Log with valuable learning information. Teams easily monitor essential learning calendars and access Data and Instruction tools from the Essential Learning window in the Collaboration Log . . . so many tools integrated into the Collaboration Log. This is one more reason TeamMark builds and sustains synergy and focus within a PLC!
REMINDER: Setting up these tools can require some brainstorming and creative thinking. We can help! Remember to contact your TeamMark coach anytime with questions and, best of all, consider a TeamMark Clinic to truly become proficient at integrating and accessing these powerful tools.


TeamMark Tip: Reflecting on Agenda Topics
NOTES: This TeamMark Tip briefly reviews the main features of the Agenda Topic tool accessible in TeamMark. A team's agenda drives their discourse and ultimately their productivity. TeamMark's Agenda Topics tool can be used in a variety of ways to facilitate reflection on a team's collaboration. See for more information.

TeamMark Tip: Getting Into TeamMark After Summer
NOTES: Returning TeamMark users need to keep a few points in mind as they get going in TeamMark after their summer break. New users can learn about TeamMark's archiving features by viewing this TeamMark tip.

1) TeamMark will now default to the 2013-2014 year (the "Year" link will show "2013"). This means that 2012-2013 activity is now accessible through archiving. If you do not have archiving, you can no longer view 2012-2013 TeamMark collaboration documentation.

2) When TeamMark rolls out the new school year, 

     a. Teams will need to be recreated
     b. Teams can use archiving to populate their Home Room lists (archiving must be active)
     c. Teams can use archiving to populate their Essential Learning Objectives (archiving must be active)

3) Notes for teams as they get started: 

     a. Re-establish norms early and collaboratively
     b. Reflect on previous years' SMART goals (in TeamMark, through archiving if they have it) before creating new goals
     c. Reflect on previous years' agenda topics (in TeamMark, through archiving if they have it) and, based upon your reflections, be methodical and intentional about the agenda topics you begin submitting for the new year.